Tergo™ SFR Flux and Ionics Cleaning Fluid (3M Novec™ 72DA Replacement)

Product Information

Tergo SFR is ideal for removing ionic residues and tenacious, high-temperature fluxes 



  • Thernmally and hydrlytically stable
  • Non-flammable
  • Hi Kb cleaning power
  • Low Global Warming Potential (GWP)
  • Zero Ozone Depleetion Potential (ODP)
  • Fast Drying
  • Low surface tension, low viscocity, high liquid density
  • Excellent permeability
  • Azeotrope-like blend
  • Recoverable by simple distillation
  • Can be used with ulatrasonicse

Tergo SFR is an azeotrope-like mixture of trans 1,2-dichloroethylene, alcohol and advanced fluorinated fluids. It is ideally suited for use in vapor degreasing and vacuum degreasing equipment. Tergo SFR offers improved solvency for polar soils, organic resins and inorganic salts found in no-clean fluxes. The low surface tension, high density and non-flammable properties of Tergo SFR make it an ideal vapor degreasing solvent for tight circuitry.

Tergo SFR has “zero” ozone depletion potential and low Global Warming Potential (GWP). It is hydrolytically stable and therefore does not require chemical stabilizers or booster to prevent it from breaking down in the presence of excess water or mild acid-base activators.

Tergo SFR is designed to replace conventional vapor degreasing solvents such as TCE, nPB, HCFCs, and HFCs. While it was specially designed for removing flux residues and displacing ionic particulate, Tergo SFR can also be used for cleaning oils and greases, flushing or as a carrier fluid for fluorinated, chlorinated, silicon and hydrocarbon mixtures.


Product Details

Product Image
Part Number Package Weight Size Technical Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet
Product Image MCC-TSFRL TSFRL Novec 71DA Novec 72DA MCC-TSFRL Steel 1.13 kg 2.5 lbs. 1 L 1 Quart
Product Image MCC-TSFRG TSFRG Novec 72DA Novec 71DA MCC-TSFRG Metal 4.5 kg 10 lbs. 3.5 L 1 Gallon
Product Image MCC-TSFRP TSFRP Novec 71DA Novec 72DA MCC-TSFRP Pail 20.4 kg 45 lbs. 18.93 L 5 Gallons
Product Image MCC-TSFRD TSFRD Novec 71DE Novec 72DE Novec 73DE MCC-TSFRD Drum 226.8 kg 500 lbs. 208.2 L 55 Gallons
Package Steel Metal Pail Drum
Weight 1.13 kg 2.5 lbs. 4.5 kg 10 lbs. 20.4 kg 45 lbs. 226.8 kg 500 lbs.
Size 1 L 1 Quart 3.5 L 1 Gallon 18.93 L 5 Gallons 208.2 L 55 Gallons
Technical Data Sheet
Safety Data Sheet
Appearance Clear, colorless
Odor Slight
PEL (ppm, 8-hr TWA) 200 ppm
Boiling Point 47°C/117°F
F-Gas Compliant
Evaporation Rate <1
Cleaning Strength (Kb) 128
Active Ingredients Trans 1,2-dichloroethylene, alcohol and advanced fluorinated fluids
Flashpoint None, nonflammable
Global Warming Rating (100yr) 32
Ozone Impact Zero
RoHS & WEEE Compliant
Safety Rating Non-flammable
Specific Gravity 1.23
Surface Tension 20 Dy/cm