MicroCare Cares Helps Feed Hungry Neighbors
In honor of National Food Bank Day on September 7, MicroCare employees opened their hearts and their pantries to donate non-perishable food items to the New Britain Food and Resource Center.
“Hunger is an every day challenge for many of our neighbors here in New Britain. We are thrilled to be able to partner with the New Britain Food and Resource Center and to help support our neighbors in need,” said Heather Gombos, VP of Operations. “Thank you to all of our employees for their generous donations.”
During our recent MicroCare Cares food drive, MicroCare employees brought in donations and packed them up, ready for pickup by the food and resource center.
The New Britain Food and Resource Center is part of the broader Human Resources Agency of New Britain, Inc. (HRA) that has been helping local families for more than 50 years. It is a multi-service, non-profit organization dedicated to increasing economic self-sufficiency among individuals and families residing in New Britain and surrounding towns. In 2017, HRA helped over 26,000 individuals and families move closer to becoming self-sufficient.
To learn more or to donate, click here.