MicroCare Medical™ High Purity Fluids
Cleaners, coatings and lubricants make producing metal, glass, plastic and ceramic medical device parts faster and easier. With superior technologies and unsurpassed customer service, we have the trust of companies around the globe to help them make their disposable medical devices better.
A thin layer of Duraglide™ PTFE dry film lubricant speeds the assembly of medical devices and improves the functionality of many devices by reducing friction or “stiction” between moving parts. MicroCare Dry Lubricants are calibrated for consistent coating results and are ISO 10993 Certified for easy validation.
Carrier fluids deliver and disperse medical-grade lubricants, glues, inks and particulate during device manufacture. They have good solubility and are nonflammable, which maximizes safety. The MicroCare Medical™ carrier fluids evaporate completely and leave no residue (other than the coating or powder being deposited on the substrate).
Assembling some medical devices with tight, leak free silicone or polyurethane tubing can be laborious. Swellex™ swelling fluid makes device assembly faster and easier, forming strong, leak-proof seals and connections.
MicroCare Medical Healthcare Infection Prevention Products
Provide infection prevention, instrument cleaning, needle safety and sterile reprocessing fluids for healthcare professionals in medical and dental offices, acute care hospitals, ambulatory and surgery centers, ambulance services, long-term care facilities and veterinary clinics.
MicroCare Medical Infection Prevention products are used by numerous types of medical facilities for point of use pre-cleaning, medical washer/disinfectors, manual reprocessing, surgical cart cleaning and disinfection of clinical contact surfaces.
MicroCare Medical Infection Prevention uses biodegradable formulations, strictly adheres to current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs) and is in full compliance with all FDA and EPA regulations to ensure the safest and highest quality surface disinfectants, instrument cleaning and sterilization products are delivered.
Through partnerships with IAHCSMM (International Association of Healthcare Central Service Material Management), SGNA (Society of Gastrointestinal Nurses and Associates), AST (Association of Surgical Technicians) and OSAP (The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention), MicroCare Medical Infection Prevention stays informed on the latest industry developments and provides ongoing educational support to the infection prevention community.