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showing 25 through 30 of 59 results. page 5 of 10 pages.
What Is the Reliable Care Way?

 Before buying or using any chemical, SAFETY COMES FIRST. MicroCare has established a program which is available to customers free of charge to support the products we sell. MicroCare will work with companies to design and implement proper cleaning processes. Our specialists will help specify the features needed on the degreaser to use the solvent…

What Is “Critical Cleaning”?

MicroCare divides the cleaning world into two big segments: critical cleaning, and everything-else, “good enough” cleaning.In the category of “everything else” is hygienic cleaning in restaurants and hospitals; industrial degreasing of metal parts, or commercial cleaning such as transportation systems. Think of a brake cleaner used in an auto repair shop, the cleaning performed in…

Are MicroCare Vapor Degreaser Cleaners F.D.A. Approved?

No, the MicroCare vapor degreaser cleaners are not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. However, It is perfectly acceptable to use these medical cleaners on medical products for cleaning and surface preparation. This is because the solvents evaporate completely and leave no residues. There is nothing which stays on the surface of a…

Do MicroCare Vapor Degreaser Cleaners Contain Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)?

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are a source of worry because they contribute to low-altitude smog in cities. Obviously, the most common VOC is gasoline, but that is not a regulated solvent so the VOC question never comes up. However, in some regions such as Southern California the government is regulating VOC content in many products,…

Are MicroCare Critical Cleaning Fluids Ozone-Safe?

Yes. All of the MicroCare cleaners are 100% completely ozone-safe. None of the HFC, HFE or HFO cleaning fluids sold by MicroCare contain any ozone-depleting substances.  Here are the details:The Montreal Protocol, the Benchmark in International Co-operationIn the 1980’s a group of experts were tabulating all of the world’s ozone-depleting solvents and classified them into three…

Do MicroCare Cleaners Contribute to Global Warming?

Some of the MicroCare cleaners have significant global warming potential (“GWP ratings”). These include some of the products containing HFC fluids and, to a lesser degree, the HFE fluids. Products containing HFO solvents and nPB fluids do not contribute to the problem of global warming.First, a word of explanation. Global Warming Potential (G.W.P.) is an…