Global Sales Meeting Plunges Deep Into Complex Lessons and Strategies
The first full day of the annual MicroCare Global Sales Meeting was a grueling sojourn of intricate presentations and head-scratching discussions. Thematically, the week-long conclave is focused on finding new and better ways to serve customers around the world, and the group did not hesitate to jump deep into the complex issues.
Inspired by a stirring presentation by Chris Jones, MicroCare founder and president, the group grappled with complex presentations and follow-on discussions about products, manufacturing, clients and marketing. There were a variety of break-out groups to brainstorm new ideas that might generate new products or new programs in the months ahead. The group also focused on the optimal ways to replicate local successes, say in Singapore, Seattle or Sweden, to the larger and rapidly-evolving global marketplace. Data was shared, mistakes analyzed, successes celebrated and plans conceptualized.
The first of several “team building exercises” had everybody puzzled as the group discovered the unexpected ways in which logical but faulty assumptions can trip up performance. Probably the highlight of the day was a scintillating presentation from celebrity author and business strategist Jeff Fox. Based on his decades-long collaboration with MicroCare, Fox made the team laugh, think, grimace, and ponder — sometimes all in the same sentence. Here are a few snapshots to memorialize the adventures of the day:
Hour after hour, in various break-out groups, the sales and marketing teams analyzed the current MicroCare business operations and developed new ideas and strategies to assist clients with their critical cleaning applications
Tom Tattersall, MicroCare Chief Operating Officer, speaks at the opening of the Annual Global Sales Meeting
The assembled audience in the Global Sales Meeting included all the top executives of the company, all the sales team, the R&D group, manufacturing, logistics, and the team from the Critical Cleaning Lab.
Business strategist and celebrity author Jeff Fox made a compelling and thought-provoking presentation to the group that got everybody buzzing
Guylaine Guerette, MicroCare Marketing Manager, made a detailed presentation about 2018-19 marketing plans to the assembled group
Celebrity author and business strategist Jeff Fox signs his latest book, "How to Be a Rainmaker" for Joe Ng, Operations Manager for MicroCare Asia
Bill Kushner, MicroCare Product Manager, leads a break-out group discussion
After dinner, many of the team members adjourned to the Mosquito Patio to enjoy the balmy New England spring evening
Click here for the “Salute to the Stars” Awards Dinner on the last night of the Global Sales Meeting
Click here for photos of the All-Company Party
Click here for great snapshots of the the Sunday evening Welcoming Dinner