Bill Kushner - The Big Picture Guy
As the MicroCare Global Product Director, Bill Kushner specializes in seeing the big picture. It’s his job to create long-term strategic plans to increase revenue and develop new markets. By looking at our current capabilities he develops ways for the company to create new products, expand into other markets, build new vendor partnerships and support our distributor network, all with the goal to grow the bottom line.
“The team we have is excited to be here and every day we’re adding more relevant and impactful shining stars to the organization.”
Shaping and Focusing Growth
“MicroCare is a world-class organization with a laser-like focus, totally dedicated to critical cleaning. The company is growing at a ferocious rate. My job is to help shape that growth, focus the company’s efforts, and pick the best opportunities that will maximize the value for our customers, distributors and shareholders,” Bill said.
Sociable by nature, Bill has a hands-on management style. He likes to work across departments with product management, marketing and pricing. Bill is a big proponent of continuous improvement and is always looking for ways to streamline processes and build teams to deliver “best in class performance”.
Making Great Progress
“We’re making great progress,” Bill noted. “We’re introducing more unique products, analyzing our pricing structure, introducing new distributor-friendly programs, forming vendor partnerships and hiring even more quality people with the skills and follow-through to get things done.”
Building Relationships
Bill’s theory on the reason for the growing success at MicroCare? Relationships. Relationships with customers, relationships with suppliers, and relationships with employees. “The people at MicroCare are fantastic. They genuinely care about each other and our customers,” Bill observed. “The team we have is excited to be here and every day we’re adding more relevant and impactful shining stars to the organization.”
Before joining MicroCare in 2016, Bill spent over 35 years as Vice President of Product Management, Purchasing & Operations at Techni-Tool, one of the largest electronic distributors in the USA (which was acquired by Grainger and is now part of Test Equity). He managed or influenced nearly every aspect of Techni-Tool’s success throughout his tenure.
Development & Education
Bill also is passionate about employee development and was selected to be an employee mentor when working at Grainger. “I am thrilled when I can help someone develop their career path” he said. He focuses on his own professional growth by reading autobiographies of successful people and listening to a variety of business podcasts. One of his favorites is The Tim Ferriss Show.
Bill is a graduate of LaSalle College with a degree in Public Administration, Business Administration and Management. He then pursued post-graduate studies at Temple University.
On a Personal Note
During his undergraduate years, Bill captained the tennis and golf teams. Today, after knee-replacement, Bill still plays golf but replaced tennis with walking. He often walks up to six miles per day.
Bill lives in the Philadelphia suburbs. He has been married to his wife, Sharon, for more than thirty years. Sharon is an elementary school reading specialist for special-needs kids. Together, they have three grown children and two grandchildren, all of whom they adore. They also share their home with two cats and a dog.
When not working, Bill likes to spend time babysitting the grand-kids and working on his “honey do list”. He also devotes his time to Special Olympics and Alzheimer’s volunteer groups.
Even though Bill travels a lot for work he and Sharon enjoy traveling together. One of their biggest adventures was a cruise trip to the Mediterranean including, Italy, Sicily, Malta and Greece.